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Human Services

Help change people’s lives for the better

Taught by practicing human services professionals, TCC’s comprehensive human services curriculum includes two hands-on internships. Real world experience working with local agencies will help you build professional networks, establish references, and utilize skills learned in the classroom. Students typically intern under the direction of a professional in human or social services in fields such as outreach, psychiatry, and psychology.

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Norfolk Campus, Portsmouth Campus
Associate of Applied Science - Human Services

Gain the skills you need to provide much-needed support for teens in crisis, families, the elderly, and countless others. Your course work teaches basic counseling skills, various functions of crisis intervention, the management principles of human and social service, and the skills needed to address the needs of patients and clients. Additional focus is placed on the process of case management.

Is this program for you?

Yes, if you:
  • are organized
  • have good communication skills
  • enjoy working with people in difficult situations

From the outside it looked as if Lionel Brookins was set on his career path. He was earning $70,000 a year with Navy Sealift Command, but “the job was very repetitious.” he said. “It really boxed me in and knew I had more to give."

Sterling Mobley, an electrical mechanical apprentice, is taking advantage of STIHL, Inc.'s apprentice program in partnership with Tidewater Community College, to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering technology.

Students may take information system technology and IT courses that meet requirements for high school graduation while simultaneously earning college credit at Tidewater Community College.