Programs & Initiatives

Faculty create synergy as they build communities of scholarly engagement and participate in interdisciplinary conversations. These signature programs and resources inspire faculty to collaborate in support of growth, development, and innovation. Faculty are invited to join the conversation and foster inquiry together.
All new full-time teaching faculty members will be enrolled in the New Faculty Orientation course at the start of their first semester of full-time employment at the college. The coursework is based on the four domains as identified in the TCC Full-time Teaching Faculty Development and Evaluation Plan, which is part of the VCCS’ faculty evaluation and professional development initiative. The participants meet face-to-face at least once a month on a Friday afternoon during their first semester of full-time employment at the college, except in December and May. Between meetings, readings, assignments, and discussions will be provided via Canvas so that the face-to-face meetings can focus on more interaction among the participants, guest speakers, and reporting on the readings and other course assignments.
The Faculty Fellows provide consistent, weekly, in-person support to faculty at the four campus locations, promote professional development sessions and organize, plan, and host roundtable and/or lunch and learn discussions, serve as a resource to connect faculty to TCC subject matter experts/divisions/departments, serve as a liaison to College Faculty Senate, and engage in conversation and support the development of faculty learning communities.
TCC established a learning community for department chairs and deans to collaborate, share ideas, innovate, and grow together professionally. The sessions seek to inform, engage, and empower department chairs in their faculty leadership roles in support of larger pathway and college-wide goals and initiatives.
The Mission of the TCC Book Club is to serve as a place, space, and time to behold, nurture, connect, build relationships, listen, learn and grow within and with those around us. It is where books serve as the conduit to ideas and issues that connect us all.
Each year books are selected during the summer and any TCC faculty or staff with interest may follow the readings and discussions even if they are unable to attend the book club meetings.
The 2022-2023 theme is transformation and discussions are organized by sub themes with each theme lasting approximately 6 weeks and culminating in a book club meeting. The transformation themes are the oppressor in me, the wounded in me, reflection and making change. The first reading for the year is Telethons by Paul Longmore and the discussion theme is the oppressor in me.