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Tidewater Community College believes that exposure to the arts enriches the fabric of our students’ lives. TCC wants to magnify the impact of the visual and creative expression in the Hampton Roads community by providing a rich array of exhibitions, performances and cultural events that are open to all of Hampton Roads.

Our venues include the Visual Arts & Design Center, the TCC Roper Center in downtown Norfolk, and the Black Box Theatre on the Chesapeake Campus. We hope you will join us at an upcoming event!

Program Studio Arts

Explore arts programs

At TCC you can pursue a degree in music, graphic design, or photography – to name a few! Or just take a class with us!

Explore our programs

Woman with camera

Take a Class

Drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics – study it all with our talented, experienced faculty in small studio classes.

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Program Theatre Arts


The Jeanne and George Roper Performing Arts Center in downtown Norfolk is a state-of-the-art performance venue.

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Attend a Theatre Production

TCC theater students present three live productions a year, including Shakespeare in the Grove each summer.

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Computers in the Visual Arts & Design center

TCC Visual Arts & Design Center

Whether you want to transfer to a four-year program or pursue a creative career, the Visual Arts & Design Center will help you expand the depth and complexity of your studio practice as well as your ability to think critically in the context of contemporary art theory.

Explore public exhibits

3 musicians siting in a classroom playing 2 violins and one cello

Hear from Music Students

Enjoy student and faculty performances in TCC’s choral or instrumental ensemble groups to include classical and jazz bands

See upcoming recitals

Upcoming Arts Events

No currently scheduled events, check back soon.