Teaching Support & Resources

TCC’s vision is to be our community’s first choice for education, opportunity, partnership, and innovation and one of our core values is teaching and learning excellence. These specific resources foster inquiry and engage faculty in pursuit of teaching excellence.
Provides faculty with resources in instructional strategies, educational technology tools, learning theory and pedagogies, instructional design, accessibility, and a variety of additional teaching and learning resources. Information about the Batten Studio and Calendar of Events is included. To access Canvas, faculty use their MyTCC credentials. When accessing the CFTE Resource Hub for the first time, faculty may need to self-enroll. (Only for TCC employees)
The Department of Distance Learning curates a resource site in Canvas that compiles information and support for ensuring Quality Standards in your course; training and support for using the Canvas LMS; training and support for using the Zoom Webconferencing platform; training and support for Remote Proctoring; guidance for HyFlex instruction; guidance for meeting Regular and substantive interaction requirements in online courses. All this and more can be explored by logging into the Distance Learning Resource site in Canvas with your myTCC credentials. When accessing DLR content for the first time, faculty may need to self-enroll.
Click the following link for direct access to the Distance Learning Training Calendar.
Instructional designers ensure students learn efficiently by assisting instructors in creating high-quality learning materials and activities that consider the varying backgrounds of all students. The ID assists faculty with leveraging technology, overcoming instructional challenges, implementing effective synchronous/asynchronous pedagogy, and achieving better student learning.
Faculty who intend to teach online asynchronous or hybrid courses for the first time must complete TCC’s Teaching & Learning Course in Canvas (TLC) before teaching online. TLC is a self-directed, asynchronous course focused on expanding course design skills, exploring new ways to engage students, and using technology more effectively for distance learning. The course includes opportunities for feedback from an instructional designer and results in the initial development of a Canvas course designed for online instruction. For more information about this course, visit the Distance Learning Resources Site in Canvas.
The Pathways: Adopting Open Educational Resources in the Classroom, a continuing education course for faculty/instructors and educational support staff. It will introduce faculty to the meaning and benefits of open education, where to locate existing open educational resources, and how to revise, remix, and create new resources to share. Additional information may be found through TCC libraries at Open Educational Resources
The Department of Distance Learning provides direct support for Zoom, including technical and instructional design guidance for synchronous distance learning.
Email: zoom@tcc.edu
The Department of Distance Learning provides direct support for Canvas through the TCC Canvas HelpDesk, which can provide technical and administrative support for Canvas.
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Phone Support: (757) 822-1470
Email Support: Canvas@tcc.edu
The Office of Educational Accessibility provides students programmatic and physical access, in a supportive atmosphere and in accordance with Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008, as well as other applicable state and federal law. The Office provides an array of accessibility services designed to enhance the educational experience for students and all documentation is confidential and is not considered a part of the academic transcript. For more information visit https://www.tcc.edu/service-support/students-disabilities-accommodation/
TCC’s libraries provide faculty with access to services and resources that support the teaching and learning environment. Visit TCC Libraries Resources for Faculty– for more information.