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Early High School Graduates Orientation Session

25 Jan
When: Monday January 25th, 05:00 pm - 06:30 pm

Our Early Graduates’ Orientation is designed to help prepare January high school graduates’ transition into college successfully.

Find answers to your questions about our online platform Canvas, academic advising, military-related student support, campus resources, student life and more! Attending this session will be fun, interactive and you can even win TCC swag to rep your college!

Here is the link to sign up.

QR code and a tiny URL that you can use in your promotion if you wish:

This event is open to the public.

From the outside it looked as if Lionel Brookins was set on his career path. He was earning $70,000 a year with Navy Sealift Command, but “the job was very repetitious.” he said. “It really boxed me in and knew I had more to give."

Sterling Mobley, an electrical mechanical apprentice, is taking advantage of STIHL, Inc.'s apprentice program in partnership with Tidewater Community College, to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering technology.

Students may take information system technology and IT courses that meet requirements for high school graduation while simultaneously earning college credit at Tidewater Community College.