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Apprenticeship Institute

Building a skilled workforce through TCC’s Apprenticeship Institute

Tidewater Community College’s Apprenticeship Institute partners with Hampton Roads employers to develop tailored programs that result in your desired workforce outcome. TCC partners with employers throughout Hampton Roads to provide a variety of apprenticeship programs in various industries, ranging from cyber security to maritime and skilled trades.

Apprenticeship programs are a proven training model for growing and retaining a skilled workforce in today’s competitive business environment. Allowing students to “earn while you learn,” this approach combines on the job training and related academic instruction. The outcome benefits the company and the employee.

At no cost to the employer, consultants are available to guide companies through the registered apprenticeship development process from initial concept to full recognition by the Department of Labor and Industry on Registered Apprenticeship and U.S. Department of Labor

Apprenticeship for Businesses

Apprenticeships provide immediate value to employers and working learners by developing a workforce that caters to your specific needs. Plus, you’ll increase your employee retention and reduce turnover! Are you an employer interested in starting a program? Learn how TCC can help you set up apprenticeship programs for employers.

Apprenticeship for Students

Apprentices are paid employees of the company that hires and sponsors them. This means that the apprenticeship is paid for by your sponsoring employer. The apprentice does not have to pay for related technical instruction. Want to become an apprentice? Get more information on apprenticeship programs for students.

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