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TCC Weather Closure

TCC will close at 6 p.m. Friday, Jan. 10. All evening and weekend events and services are canceled. The college will resume normal hours on Monday, Jan. 13.

Service & Support

Community college students need specialized service and support to be successful. Many students balance a job, family and other responsibilities along with their academic work. And many students come to TCC as the first in their family to attend college. That’s why the TCC community offers an array of support services and programs dedicated to student support.

TCC Care Team

The CARE Team of Tidewater Community College is focused on caring, prevention, and early intervention for students experiencing serious distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors. Submitting a CARE Team Request ensures that students will quickly and confidentially get the help they need to persist in achieving their academic and career goals. Although the intention of the CARE Team is to be non-disciplinary, reports of students violating college policy may be referred to Student Conduct or Public Safety.

Academic Support

If you need help to prepare for a big exam or find a job, we’re here for you. Our network of service and support specialists is dedicated to helping you reach your academic and professional goals.

Student Support

You have access to all sorts of resources as a TCC student. Take advantage of them! Our student support services can help you get to class – and then make the most of your time on campus.

Personal Support

TCC provides resources to help you overcome most challenges you may encounter on the road to achieving your goals. From getting involved on campus to low-cost childcare, we’ve got you covered.

Student Assistance

TCC offers a wide variety of special assistance services for students.