Shakespeare in the Grove – by the numbers

Join Tidewater Community College for the 26th Shakespeare in the Grove on June 21-25 at 8 p.m.
For the first time, this year’s production features a non-Shakespeare work. Get ready for “Tartuffe” by Molèire, who has often been described as “France’s Shakespeare” due to the two playwrights’ similar writing styles. “Tartuffe” is a play about a fraud and a pious imposter.
The production takes place at the outdoor theater on TCC’s Chesapeake Campus, located at 1428 Cedar Road. The Kiwanis Club of Chesapeake will be selling some of your favorite summertime food and drink, but feel free to bring a picnic basket and lawn chairs to enjoy the show.
In addition to tickets being zero dollars, here is a list of Shakespeare in the Grove by the numbers!

1: For the first time in the history of Shakespeare in the Grove, TCC Theater is performing a play that was not written by Shakespeare.
4: There are four veteran actors in the show who have previously acted in productions of Shakespeare in the Grove.
5: There are five veteran technicians and crew members returning to set the scene.
7: There are seven TCC students in the cast and crew this year.
6/12: Actors have rehearsed since May 15 four nights a week, three hours each evening. Rehearsals move outdoors on June 12. Until then, actors are in the Black Box Theater on the Chesapeake Campus.
14: Fourteen different Shakespearean plays have been performed by Shakespeare in the Grove over the past 25 years.
19: During the COVID-19 pandemic, TCC was able to continue the tradition by performing radio plays. These radio plays were streamed online for the audience.
26: Bugs, noise, humidity and rain showers are all the trimmings that come along with 26 years of Shakespeare in the Grove.
For more information, contact Matthew Gorris at or 757-822-5219. For current show information, including any cancellations, follow us on Facebook and Instagram and search for TCC Theatre.