TCC has resources to help students achieve their goals

Tidewater Community College’s recent advertising campaign features the tagline, “We’re Here to Help.” And it’s true! TCC has resources to help you succeed in school.
Spring Semester is just a few weeks away with classes starting on Jan. 10. Now is the time to get ready for your next steps in school. The college offers help with internet access, free computers, tuition assistance, emergency financial help and food. Here’s what you need to know.
Cox Cable discounts for students
Thanks to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the college is able to offset the cost of internet service for students who qualify. TCC is working with Cox Cable to offer discounted internet service for students. To request service use this link.
Computers for school
TCC’s Computer Club makes personal computers available through its Computers for Student Success program. Visit here for more information and details on how to apply.
Wi-Fi available on campus
If you are equipped with a Wi-Fi enabled portable device, you may access TCC’s network in the following campus locations. Spaces are marked “TCC Student Wi-Fi Parking.” Hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- Chesapeake Campus: Parking lot next to the Pass Building. You may park in handicapped spaces. Of the four campuses, this area has the strongest external Wi-Fi signal.
- Norfolk Campus: On Granby Street in front of the Walker Building and on College Place across from the Green District Administration Building. Note that these are metered spaces with the first hour free.
- Portsmouth Campus: On Freedom Avenue alongside the B Building
- Virginia Beach Campus: Driveway in front of the Regional Health Professions Center. You may park in the handicapped spaces.
Emergency Assistance
Student Emergency Assistance is available to help students with temporary, short-term financial needs that may hinder their education. Consideration is given to students that have experienced financial hardship due to an unforeseen emergency. Funds can be used to bridge the gap when students receive less financial aid than needed for school costs and emergency living expenses.
Meals, fresh foods and pantry staples
Tidewater Community College and the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore have partnered to offer The Community Feed at TCC. Through the program, students can receive meals and fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as pantry items for their families. First-time participants must register via the online enrollment form, and upon completion, utilize the online scheduling tool to select a time to pick up pre-packaged meal kits to prepare nutritious meals at home. Online reservations for pick-up are highly encouraged.
Care Teams provide support
The CARE Team at TCC is focused on caring, prevention and early intervention for students experiencing serious distress. Help is available if you need it by using this form.
TCC’s Student Resource and Empowerment Center (SREC), is a Single Stop site that connects students with a variety of free and comprehensive social services and financial resources to help them stay focused on their academic goals. This SREC includes case managers on every campus. In addition, the SREC collaborates with campus and community partners to deliver educational programs and services that holistically empower students in their personal, academic and professional success. Reach out to the SREC online for assistance.