Tidewater Community College presents “Love’s Labor’s Lost” this weekend

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Shakespeare in the Grove to be held in June, Tidewater Community College is presenting a mini-play to build excitement for the main event.
This weekend, the community is invited to enjoy a Shakespeare comedy, “Love’s Labor’s Lost” on three evenings, May 20, 21 and 22, from 7 – 8 p.m.
TCC Theatre’s version of “Love’s Labor’s Lost” is a condensed, one-hour comic journey that includes 12 actors, limited props and staging, and the natural light coming from the sun.
The play starts with a royal proclamation as four young men (one of them a king) withdraw from the world for three years, taking an oath that they will have nothing to do with women. But when the Princess of France and her three ladies arrive on a political matter, those vows are tossed aside and the men are tossed head over heels in love. Nature wins out as they learn the most important lesson of all – to follow the heart, not the head.
The play will be presented in the original grove location next to the TCC’s parking garage on the Chesapeake Campus, weather permitting.
This event is free and open to the community and families are encouraged to attend. Bring your chairs, bug spray and a picnic basket to enjoy the show. Parking is available in the TCC’s parking garage.
For more information email Matt Gorris, TCC Theatre professor, at mgorris@tcc.edu.